Editor:jky Source:best365体育官网登录入口 Date:2022-02-24
■ 个人简介
n 招生要求
■ 研究简介
目前已经在Cerebral Cortex (Q1); NeuroImage (Q1); Emotion(Q1); NeuroPsychologia(Q1);
Brain Structure & Function (Q1); Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience(Q1);Journal of Happiness Studies(Q1); Children and Youth Services Review(Q1);Child Abuse & Neglect(Q1); Journal of Health Psychology(Q1); Addictive Behavior(Q1);Personality and Mental Health(Q1)等45个国外SCI/SSCI刊物上发表论文57篇,其中第一作者与通讯作者49篇。同时,本人还担任27个中英文期刊的责任编辑及审稿人,如担任Frontier In Psychology的客座主编,International Journal of Mental Health Promotion编委,Frontier in Psychology编委,Frontier in human Neuroscience编委,Frontiers in Psychiatry编委,并以副主编或参与编著等形式出版书籍八本。在项目方面,本人主持了国家一般社科项目、教育部人文社科项目、省自然科学基金面上项目、省教育厅重点资助项目、省哲学社科项目、省社科评委、省教改等7个项目,并作为核心成员参与多个国家级重大项目,如教育部重大委托项目—高中阶段核心素养建构、国家重大社科项目—心理危机干预动态预警系统等。
■ 目前已在45个SSCI/SCI收录的英文刊物上发表过论文
NeuroImage; Cerebral Cortex; Emotion; Brain Structured & Function; Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience; Child Abuse &Neglect; BMC Psychology; NeuroPsychologia; Psychophysiology; Addictive Behaviors; Journal of Health Psychology; Personality and Individual Difference; Personality and Mental Health; Advances in Cognitive Psychology; Psychologia Society;Journal of Happiness Studies; Current Psychology; Scandinavian Journal of Psychology; International Journal of Mental Health Promotion; International Journal of Psychology; The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion; NeuroReport; Psychiatry Annals; Archives of Psychiatric Nursing; Scientific Reports; Frontiers in Psychiatry; Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma; Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience; Frontiers in Psychology; Experimental Psychology; Journal for the Study of Education and Development; International of Mental Health and Addiction Behaviors; Psychiatry Investigation; Frontiers in Human Neuroscience; Journal of Psychology; The Journal of General Psychology; Children and Youth Services Review; Brain imaging and behavior; Psych Journal等.
■ 担任以下期刊的审稿专家
Journal of Affective Disorders; Cognitive NeuroScience; Current Psychology; Addiction Behaviors; Motivation and Emotion; Archives of Psychiatric Nursing; Behaviour & Information Technology; Journal of Medical Virology; BMC public health;Frontier in Human Neuroscience;Frontiers in Psychiatry;Frontier in Psychology; Journal of Consumer Affairs; 心理科学;心理发展与教育;心理科学进展 等;
■ 主持科研项目
■ 代表性学术论文(@为通讯作者)
Behavioral Science代表性成果
[28]Gao, Q. F., Fu, E., Xiang, Y. H@., Jia, G., & Wu, S. Y. (2021). Self-esteem and addictive smartphone use: The mediator role of anxiety and the moderator role of self-control. CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW, 124. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2021.105990[SSCI Q1期刊; IF(5 years, 2020) = 2.39]
[27]Gao, Q. F., Li, Y. Z., Zhu, Z. W., Fu, E., Bu, X. Y., Peng, S., & Xiang, Y. H@. (2021). What links to psychological needs satisfaction and excessive WeChat use? The mediating role of anxiety, depression and WeChat use intensity. BMC PSYCHOLOGY, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40359-021-00604-8 [SSCI Q2期刊; IF(5 years, 2020) = 2.40]
[26] Li, Q, & Xiang, Y@. (2021).How is childhood maltreatment linked to benign envy/malicious envy? The mediating role of self-esteem, authentic pride and hubristic pride. Personality and Mental Health.14(4). [SSCI Q1期刊; IF(5 years, 2020) = 3.82]
[25]He, N. N., & Xiang, Y. H@. (2021). How child maltreatment impacts internalized/externalized aggression among Chinese adolescents from perspectives of social comparison and the general aggression model. CHILD ABUSE & NEGLECT, 117. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2021.105024[SSCI Q1期刊; IF(5 years, 2020) = 3.93]
[24]He, Q. H., Xiang, Y. H@., Dong, X., & Zhao, J. X. (2021). Gratitude affects moral disgust: From the perspective of social norm theory. PSYCH JOURNAL, 10(3), 393–401. https://doi.org/10.1002/pchj.421[SSCI Q3期刊; IF(5 years, 2020) = 1.51]
[23]Mao, Y. D., Zhao, J. X., Xu, Y., & Xiang, Y. H@. (2021). How gratitude inhibits envy: From the perspective of positive psychology. PSYCH JOURNAL, 10(3), 384–392. https://doi.org/10.1002/pchj.413[SSCI Q3期刊; IF(5 years, 2020) = 1.51]
[22]Yuan, Z. H., Xiang, Y. H@., & Chen, Z. Y. (2021). Mindfulness Associates Life Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Internal Control and the Presence of Meaning in Life. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH PROMOTION, 23(1), 15–25. https://doi.org/10.32604/IJMHP.2021.012787[SSCI Q3期刊; IF(5 years, 2020) = 1.27]
[21]Zhang, W. R., & Xiang, Y. H@. (2021). Reliability, validity and invariance of the Moral Sensitivity Questionnaire in the China General Social Survey. CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-020-01246-6[SSCI Q1期刊; IF(5 years, 2020) = 4.30]
[20]Wang, L., Xiang, Y@. & Yuan, R. How is emotional intelligence associated with moral disgust? The mediating role of social support and forgiveness. Current Psychology (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-02218-0[SSCI Q1期刊; IF(5 years, 2020) = 4.30]
[19]Xiang, Y., Dong, X., Zhao, J., Li, Q., Zhao, J., & Zhang, W. (2021). The relationship
between mindfulness and envy: The mediating role of emotional intelligence. PsyCh Journal, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1002/pchj.493[SSCI Q3期刊; IF(5 years, 2020) = 1.51]
[18]He, N. N., & Xiang, Y. H@. (2021). Child maltreatment and nonsuicidal self-injury among Chinese adolescents:The mediating effect of psychological resilience and loneliness.
Children and Youth Services Review .133, 106335 [SSCI Q1期刊; IF(5 years, 2020) = 2.39]
[17] Dong X, Xiang Y@, Zhao J, Li Q, Zhao J, Zhang W.(2020). How mindfulness affects benign and malicious envy from the perspective of the mindfulness reperceiving model. Scand J Psychol. 61(3):436-442 [SSCI Q2期刊; IF(5 years, 2020) = 2.34]
[16] Xiang, Y@., Yuan, R. (2020). Why Do People with High Dispositional Gratitude Tend to Experience High Life Satisfaction? A Broaden-and-Build Theory Perspective. Journal of Happiness Stduies. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-020-00310-z. [SSCI收录; IF(5 years, 2020) = 4.729]
[15] Xiang, Y@., Yuan, R.(2020).Childhood maltreatment and life satisfaction in adulthood: The mediating effect of emotional intelligence, positive affect and negative affect. Journal of Health Psychology. DOI: 10.1177/1359105320914381. [SSCI Q2期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 2.444]
[14] Xiang, Y@., Cao, Y., & Dong, X. (2020). Childhood maltreatment and moral sensitivity: An interpretation based on schema theory. Personality and Individual Differences,16. [SSCI Q2期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 2.733]
[13] Xiang Y@, Dong X, Zhao J.(2020). Effects of Envy on Depression: The Mediating Roles of Psychological Resilience and Social Support. Psychiatry Investig. 17(6):547-555. [SSCI Q2期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 1.764]
[12] Zhao, J, & Xiang, Y@, et al.(2020).Childhood Maltreatment Affects Depression and Anxiety: the Mediating Role of Emotional Intelligence. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 11469. [SSCI Q3期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 1.768]
[11] Yuan Z., Chen Z., Xiang, Y@., (2020). Mindfulness Associates Life Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Internal Control and the Presence of Meaning in Life. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion. DOI:10.32604/IJMHP.2020.012787. [SSCI Q4期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 0.861]
[10] Xiang, Y@. , Li, Q. , Dong, X. , & Yuan, R. . (2020). Envy and emotional intelligence: evidence from a cross agged analysis. PsyCh Journal. DOI: 10.1002/pchj.363. [SSCI Q3期刊; IF(2019) = 0.785]
[9] Gao, Q., Sun, R., Jia, G., Xiang, Y@. (2019). Chinese adolescents: The mediating role of quality of life and the moderating role of educational level. Addictive Behaviors. [SSCI Q1期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 3.546]
[8] Xiang, Y@., Chao, X., & Ye, Y. (2018). Effect of Gratitude on Benign and Malicious Envy: The Mediating Role of Social Support. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9, 139. [SSCI Q2期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 3.359]
[7]Zhao, J.& Xiang, Y@. (2020). A study of the ability to judge surface emotion and real emotion in children between 4 to 6 years of age. Journal for the Study of Education and Development.16:27. [SSCI Q2期刊; IF(2019) = 0.975]
[6] Xiang, Y@. , Zhao J., X. (2019). Effect of Core Self-evaluations on Mental Symptom among Chinese College Students: The Mediating Roles of Benign and Malicious Envy. Psychiatry Annals. 49 (6) , 277-284. [SSCI Q4期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 0.368]
[5]Jin, W., Xiang, Y@., & Lei, M. (2017). The Deeper the Love, the Deeper the Hate. Frontiers in psychology, 8. [SSCI Q2期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 2.723]
[4]Chen, D. , Weiguo, Q. U. , Zhao, J. , & Xiang, Y@. (2020). My eyes follow my needs: attentional biases towards product labels within high-and low-social-status groups. PSYCHOLOGIA, 62(3-4).[SSCI Q4期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 0.267]
[3]Xiang, Y@, Wu, H., Shang, R. H., Chao, X., Ren, T. T., Zheng, L. L., & Mo, L. (2018).
Influence of the large–small split effect on strategy choice in complex subtraction. International Journal of Psychology, 53(2), 92-96. (SSCI). [SSCI Q2期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 2.194]
[2]Guan, F., Ma, H., Chen, X., Zhu, D., Xiang, Y@., & Chen, J. (2018). Influence of
Religion on Prosociality: A Priming Study of Buddhist Concepts among Nonbelievers in China. The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 28(4), 281-290. [SSCI Q2期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 0.935]
[1]Xie, J., Zhong, X., Xiang, Y., Wang, R., Zhang, J., & Mo, L . (2018). Universal phonological features: evidence from phonological similarity judgement on unknown languages. Experimental Psychology, 65(4), 1-12. [SSCI Q4期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 1.513]
[19] Lin, J. B., Wen, X., Cui, X., Xiang, Y. H., Xie, J. S., Chen, Y. J., Huang, R. W., & Mo, L. (2021). Common and specific neural correlates underlying insight and ordinary problem solving. BRAIN IMAGING AND BEHAVIOR, 15(3), 1374–1387. [SCI Q2期刊; IF(5 years, 2020) = 4.046]
[18] Wen, X., Xie, J. S., Cant, J. S., Xiang, Y. H., Fang, X., Lin, J. B., Huang, R. W., & Mo, L. (2020). The neural correlates of moral comparison. NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA, 149. [SCI Q2期刊; IF(5 years, 2020) = 3.14]
[17] Xiang, Y@. Wen, X. , Zhao, J. Zhang, W. , & Jiang, Y. (2020). Cognitive process differences between moral beauty judgments and moral goodness judgments. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 16(2), 160-168. [SSCI Q2期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 1.352]
[16] Kong, F., Zhao J., You X., Xiang, Y@. (2020). Gratitude and the brain: Trait gratitude mediates the association between structural variations in the medial prefrontal cortex and life satisfaction. Emotion. 20(6),917-926. [SSCI Q1期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 4.066]
[15] Lin,J., Wen, X., Cui, X., Xiang, Y., &Mo L.(2020).Common and specific neural correlates underlying insight and ordinary problem solving. Brain imaging and behavior. 10.1007/s11682-020-00337-z [SCI Q2期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 3.461]
[14]Lin, J., Xie, J., Xiang, Y., Cui, X., Dai, X., et al. (2019). Interhemispheric functional connectivity and its relationships with creative problem solving. NeuroReports. (DOI: 10.1097/WNR.0000000000001217.)[SCI Q4期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 1.427]
[13]Chen, D., Qu, W., Zhao, J., & Xiang, Y@. (2019). People lower social status are more sensitive to hedonic products information — Electrophysiological evidence from an ERP study. Frontier in Human Neuroscience.13 (DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2019.00147) [SCI Q2期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 3.565]
[12] Guan, F., Zhao, S., Chen, S., Lu, S., Chen, J., Xiang, Y@. (2019). The Neural correlate difference between positive and negative awe. Frontier in Human Neuroscience.13 (DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2019.00206) [SSCI Q2期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 3.565]
[11]Wen, X., Cant, J. S., Xiang, Y., Huang, R., & Mo, L. (2018). The neural correlates of
intelligence comparison. Cerebral Cortex, 29(1), 253-264. [SCI Q1期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 5.924]
[10]Kong, F., Ma, X., You, X., & Xiang, Y@. (2018). The resilient brain: psychological
resilience mediates the effect of amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations in orbitofrontal cortex on subjective well-being in young healthy adults. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 13(7), 755-763. [SSCI Q1期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 4.174]
[9]Guan, F., Xiang, Y@., Chen, O., Wang, W., & Chen, J. (2018). Neural basis of
dispositional awe. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 12, 209. [SSCI Q2期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 3.315]
[8]Xiang, Y., Jiang, Y., Chao, X., Wu, Q., & Mo, L. (2016). Brain-mechanistic responses to varying difficulty levels of approximate solutions to arithmetic problems. Scientific reports, 6, 24194. [SCI Q2期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 4.576]
[7]Xiang, Y., Zhao, S., Wang, H., Wu, Q., Kong, F., & Mo, L. (2017). Examining brain structures associated with dispositional envy and the mediation role of emotional intelligence. Scientific reports, 7, 39947. [SSCI Q2期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 4.576]
[6]Xiang, Y. H., & Mo, L. (2015). Arithmetic split effect in complex subtractions: an event-related potential study. NeuroReport, 26(9), 533-538. [SCI Q4期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 1.427]
[5]Xiang, Y., Kong, F., Wen, X., Wu, Q., & Mo, L. (2016). Neural correlates of envy: Regional homogeneity of resting-state brain activity predicts dispositional envy. NeuroImage, 142, 225-230. [SCI Q1期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 6.682]
[4] Zhao, S., Xiang, Y#., Xie, J., Ye, Y., Li, T., & Mo, L. (2017). The Positivity Bias Phenomenon in Face Perception Given Different Information on Ability. Frontiers in Psychology. [SSCI Q2期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 2.723]
[3] Wang, H., Mo, L., Luo, Q., Xiang, Y., & Hu, Y. (2016). Psychological distance modulates the performance of the embodiment effect: Evidence from behavioral and ERP studies. Psychophysiology, 53(4), 527-534. [SSCI Q1期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 3.793]
[2] Wen, X., Xiang, Y., Cant, J. S., Wang, T., Cupchik, G. C., Huang, R., & Mo, L. (2017). The neural correlates of internal and external comparisons: an fMRI study. Brain Structure & Function, 222(1), 563-575. [SSCI Q1期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 3.792]
[1]Wen X, Xie J, Cant JS, Xiang Y, Fang X, Lin J, Huang R, Mo L. (2020).The neural correlates of moral comparison. Neuropsychologia, 149. [SSCI Q1期刊; IF(5 years, 2019) = 3.218]
■ 学生培养
目前为止,本团队有硕士研究生16名,本科生成员十几名。组内已毕业或正在大四的16名本科生(组内系统受训3年及以上)将去或已去国内著名高校或国外世界名校深造。国内深造:本科直博北京大学(1人-2017级)/保研北京大学【1人-2016级】,本科直博中国科学院【1人-2017级】,本科直博澳门大学【1人-2017级】,本科直博北京师范大学【1人-2018级】,本科保研北京师范大学【共5人(3人-2016级;2人-2017级)】,本科保研上海交通大学【1人-2016级】,本科保研中南大学【1人-2016级】,本科考研上中科院【1人-2016级】,本科考研上武汉大学【1人-2016级】,硕士攻博南京大学【1人-2018级专硕】;硕士攻博北京师范大学【1人-2018级学硕;1人-2018级专硕】; 境外攻硕: The Universitiy of Manchester 【1人,QS排名36】; Kind’s College 【1人,QS排名31】; The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 【1人,QS排名75】